Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Guinness' new stompin' grounds

Guinness AKA Mommy's Little Piggy got a new cage. The doc suggested this, he thinks that's why his feet keep breaking out, an allergic reaction to the plastic  in the flooring of his old cage. He really seems to enjoy the new place. I must say, it's a LOT easier to clean too :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

What will happen?

Went to the doc today for my MRI results for my knee. My left knee hurts! And it hurts for a good reason. In simple terms I have torn the cartlage in my knee. I may need surgery. Geepers!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Goodbye Sweet Charlie Boy

My heart broke this weekend with the loss of my sweet cat Charile Boy. It was sudden and unexpected. He was so beautiful and had the most gentle and sweet disposition. I loved this boy so much. His favorite pass time was sitting in the window. He LOVED being petted. No amount of petting was ever enough for this sweet boy. I had Charlie for four years, he was two when I adopted him. I love him and I miss him so much. I wish he were still here.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The million dollar guinea pig

Yep since I've gotten him in Jan. He's cost me about $600! That's three vet visits and two cages. Ah but he is a cutie...

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Baby Groot

Here's my solar powered dancing baby Groot. He's hand made. I got him from eBay before the crafter was banned from selling him there! 

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, September 1, 2014

My dad

A year ago today my dad did the one thing I thought he could never do. He died. My dad was a great man. I know people say that a lot about others but truly he was. He was the best dad. He loved me unconditionally. We were very close. He spoiled me, taught me great things but most of all he loved to spend time with me. I think of him every day. Although it seems a little bit easier, it's still hard. I miss him. It feels like it has been years since he left, but I remember it all very vividly as if it were just a few hours ago. 

I know without a doubt he's with me every day. Dad wasn't a church-goin man, but he believed in Jesus. My dad also had a good handle on how to love others... Just as the Lord does. 

I love you dad! I miss you.

Here's a picture from last year. He's holding his other fave little girl, Sophie. Yeah, she was spoiled too. 

Guardians of the Galaxy 5

Enjoyed my fifth viewing of Guardians of the Galaxy. LOVE this movie. It's funny, fun and heartfelt. Groot is my fave character, but I like all of the Guardians. It may go on the bucket list to meet one some day :)

So I'm a day late... I was busy lol