Saturday, August 30, 2014

Crafty fun

I made a quick stop at the craft store tonight and ended up buying items for two projects. One is a gift I can't share yet. The other is below. It will look beary cute in my Gatlinburg themed room.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Share a Coke with F-R-I-E-N-D-S

Got a Diet Coke today from a vending machine while at the hospital. And look who it suggests I share it with...

FRIENDS is my all time fave show. I miss it. I miss those characters who I grew so close too, almost as if they were my real life pals. I don't feel this way about any other TV show. It's on my bucket list to meet at least one of the actors who played in the series... Some day... Some day...

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Piggy slobbers

Every time I get my Guinea Pig Guinness (aka mommy's little piggy) out to play Sweet Pea comes over and he bravely stretches to give her a kissie. What a sweet boy. 

TBT: my papaw

Today's post is in honor of my papaw. He's 81 and having some health issues. This photo was taken a few years ago, the shirt was made by my little cousins.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hey, r u talkin' to me

Here's Chinny, my Chinchilla. He's an odd little fellow. So furry, so soft, yet so tough, kinda like Robert De Nero, although the actor is not really furry. Unlike most of his kind, Chinny does not like to cuddle. However, his mama (me) has been known to force him. He acts like he will bite. He puts on a show and puts up mean chirp, but there's not a mean bone in his wittle body. He's my Chinny Chinny Poo Poo. I love this furry monster.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Wasting away in Margaritaville...

Well mom and I were just eating and enjoying virgin PiƱa Coladas :) sadly we did not get caught in the rain.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sweet Pea necklace

This necklace is made in the image of my Sweet Pea, featured in yesterday's Woedless Wednesday.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

I'm proud to proclaim: I'm a Swiftie

You can love her, you can hate her, but I LOVE Taylor Swift. I'm a prod Swiftie. So excited for her new album in October. The Speak Now album is my fave of her's. I was going through a very tough time in my life and that album was one part of my healing. No matter how you feel about her, there's no denying the girl's got the ability to strike a cord with her words. Here's a pictiure from the Red tour. The stop is Columbus, OH. I went with my niece.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Lego love

Took my nephew Zach to the Lego store for his 12th birthday. This is the gift he picked. I had a feeling he'd pick this one when I saw it, it sorta screams Zach lol. I didn't say anything tho and this is what he picked. He said it's the best Lego set he's gotten so far (he has tons). Translation: Liss is the best aunt ever LOL.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

So this is me

Welcome to pic-a-day. I'm Liss, a compulsive photo taker. I've been scrapbooking for years and am now mixing my love of capturing memories with social media. After all, what good are memories if they aren't preserved and shared. So here we are. Inspired by Becky Higgins Project Life, I'll be taking a photo or sharing a photo that I LOVE on this blog daily. I hope you enjoy these brief glimpses into my life. I hope this blog inspires you to capture and share your memories, indeed a most precious gift from God above.